
One of the biggest issues with temporary hires lies in their description: “temporary.” Temporary workers have a high turnover rate by design since they are meant to fill in until a permanent employee can be found to take over. However, this can take time, and losing out on an employee (even a temporary one) who understands the finer points of working in your company can be a disastrous loss.

Temporary hires have an extremely high turnover rate not solely because they are meant to be temporary. There are other factors in the workplace that employers may not know negatively affect a temp’s willingness to continue working their contract.

Culture Fit

One of the biggest issues that cause temporary workers to leave their assignments is the alienation they face. Because they are temporary employees without guaranteed transitions to full-time, many employers leave them out of the loop. If you want to minimize the turnover of your temporary staff, make them feel like they are part of the team. In fact, the top reason for turnover is that the employee was offered a better position where they might find the respect they seek.

This means including them in-office meetings, granting them the same rights your full-time permanent hires enjoy, such as PTO. In addition, if a temporary worker feels appreciated and like they are a part of the team, they will be more inclined to see their assignment through to the end. They might even be interested in transitioning to a full-time role with you and your company.

Clear Communication

One of the more pervasive issues making temporary work more difficult a lack of clear communication or even mixed messages.

Sometimes, an employer might innocuously mention wanting to keep them on board permanently after seeing how well they do. They might take a comment like that to heart and, when you don’t follow through, that can lead to disappointment and cause an abrupt exit.

Be sure to communicate the exact situation at the office to your staffing agency representative so that your temporary hires are never operating under misconceptions. Sending mixed messages could not only result in losing your temporary employee but also damage your chances of attracting more down the line once word of “false promises” about your company spreads.

For those occasions you’re interested in hiring a temporary employee full-time and have the resources to make it a reality, we suggest getting in touch with your staffing representative who can best guide you through that transition.

Do Not Expect the Unexpected

Many employers need a lot of work from their temps. But expecting your temporary workers to commit to full-time expectations can be an unreasonable request. It is important to recognize that while your temp may be committed to doing good work, they simply don’t have the long-term incentive that your other employees may have. So asking them to take on extra responsibilities or staying abnormally late – typically extra duties that only a long-term employee could expect to be repaid for – could seem tone-deaf.

Before you expect a temporary employee to take on the additional tasks you are hoping for, talk to them. Ask if they are willing to take on this responsibility and if they would like to be trained to handle such tasks. Just expecting it from them will only generate a hostile atmosphere.

We Can Help!

Treat your temps with care, and you will get the best work in return. Temps walk a strange line as an employee who will not be staying on once their assignment ends. And they can be easily driven away if not given the same courtesy as your full-time hires.

Finding skilled temporary employees for your company can be even more challenging. We at Action Group specialize in getting talented professionals for both temporary and full-time positions. So, if you need help in your office, take Action today!

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