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DFW Announcement!

We are so excited to now be in the DFW area. Moving into this market has always been part of our business strategy and we are thrilled that the opportunity to serve DFW is now a reality.  We currently have immediate open positions today in Dallas, Carrollton, and Coppell. We would love to help you find your next career.



One of the biggest shifts in the labor market since the Great Recession has been employers’ increased use of staffing agencies to source talent. Staffing agencies are a source of candidates for companies looking to hire, and agencies represent potential job offers for people seeking a new job. Based on criteria set by the client,… Read more »


It’s normal to feel nervous about a job interview. Someone is about to inspect your appearance, body language, what you say and the way you say it. Also, the stakes in an interview are fairly high. If your interviewer likes you, it could mean an offer and a good salary to boot. If they don’t… Read more »


While the U.S. economy is currently humming along, getting a new job in any economy can be challenging. Having a well-written resume get the attention of a potential employer is just the start. Even if you do well on a subsequent phone interview, you still have a lot more steps in front of you. You… Read more »


If a manager hasn’t earned the trust of their staff, everyone suffers and productivity is negatively impacted. Sure, a manager can motivate employees through fear of being fired; however, employees will do just enough to stay out of trouble and likely be on the lookout for another job. Intelligent leaders realize that engaged employees work… Read more »


Once upon a time, in-person meetings were the only way for people to communicate with one another, but now, easier methods of communication are available, from simple phone calls to Skype. While technology may be more convenient than in-person meetings, it does involve an artificial barrier that can mean lower productivity. There are many benefits… Read more »


An infographic uses images, color and text to present information, and there has been an emerging trend to use this format when putting together a resume. Infographic resumes are mostly used by creative types, particularly graphic designers and layout artists for obvious reasons. Generally speaking, you’ll want to stick to the traditional text resume to… Read more »


Your online presence is an important part of your personality, especially when looking for a job. That should make you think: Have I been a courteous and socially responsible online, or have I been a crass, offensive troll? Prior to the interview stage, hiring personnel considering your application may have never met you, and all… Read more »


If you’ve made it to the final interview for a job you really want, congratulations! You’ve beat out a lot of other candidates and deserve a pat on the back. That being said, this isn’t the time to kick back and rest on your laurels. There’s still work to be done. Not only do you… Read more »


We all like to tell ourselves we’re open to change, but the reality is that change is often met with heavy resistance. Some people resist because they fear how change will affect them. Other resist change because making real change takes a great deal of work. In the workplace, these and other forms of resistance… Read more »


Bad hires can have a serious negative impact on an organization. In addition to resources being wasted on someone who turns out to be a bad employee, there’s also the impact to productivity, morale and company culture. The problem is, negative employees can be difficult to spot in the interview process. They may still have… Read more »